Thank you for your interest in hosting a Winter Gear Drive Dropbox! The drive usually runs from late October through the beginning of January.
As a dropbox site, we provide everything you need to start collecting winter gear! Boxes, posters, and supplies will be available for delivery late October or early November.
Monitoring: Your box will be placed on a “Route.” Volunteers will check the box weekly.
Drive Ends: Most boxes will be available until early January. Experience has shown us that donations will see a spike immediately after the Christmas holiday due to people receiving new winter gear for Christmas and/or having vacation time to clean out closets, etc. Pick up is often weather contingent.
As of 2024, we have introduced a few changes to our Winter Gear Drive.
Distribution Income Limits: Winter Gear is distributed to households that are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. This category includes households living in poverty, as well as those that are considered in the ALICE category: living above poverty level but struggling to make ends meet. To learn more about ALICE, click here.
Appointments: Due to the high demand for services, distribution for community members will be moving to an appointment-based system. This model was implemented for the United Way Welcome Pantry and has been very successful. Appointments will enable us to better serve the clients, and to track what items are needed. Appointments can be made online at the website listed below. This does not impact the direct referral system for area social workers to have coats/gear available to them.
Additional information can be found at our website. You can contact us at 507-373-8670 or email uwfc@unitedwayfc.org for any questions!
If you'd like to serve as one of our dropbox locations for our next Winter Gear Drive, please fill out the form below!
More about the Winter Gear Drive:
United way of Freeborn County has hosted a Winter Gear Drive on an annual basis for several years. The program originated with the Freeborn County Multi-Disciplinary Team to provide winter gear to children only. In 2019, the Winter Gear Drive significantly expanded its model to provide coats for all community members in need. The resulting current model is a two-pronged approach to ensure the greatest impact on our community.
Approach 1: United Way staff work directly with school social workers and other area human service providers. Staff will deliver coats directly to the school or agency requesting the items, often filling a need before the person in need leaves for the day. This service is available year-round but ramps up in September and October as school staff get to know students and their needs.
Approach 2: Community distribution dates are open several dates between the months of October-December. Community members are invited to shop for themselves and their families, giving the opportunity to have dignity and empowerment of choice.